Firepower Backup and Restore

 Backup FMC and FTD to remote SMB Server

Lab on FMC 7.2.x

1. Create remote storage

One SMB server:
     file "appliance_rsd_info.txt" contains folder info.
    The folder name is FMC UUID, can be seen in FMC "show version".

Folder "backups" is for FMC, folder "remote-backups" is for FTD device

2. Create Backup Profile, specify backup Configuration and/or Events.
     System > Backup/Restore > Backup Profiles >Create Profile
        Backup profile is used by FMC only 

3. Backup FMC or FTD
System > Backup/Restore > Backup Management

Choose backup FMC or device (FTD)

4. Schedule a backup for FMC or FTD
System > Scheduling > Add Task

Check "Retrieve to Management Center" will list backup in FMC and backup to remote storage. If it is not checked, backup is only on FTD local /var/sf/backup



Scenario 1: Standalone FTD has device backup.

FTD-72-C is a standalone FTD, have backup on FMC and remote storage place. Assume FTD-72-C is failed, a new device FTD is ready to replace it.
Note: don't delete FTD-72-C from FMC

1. on new FTD expert mode create an user account called scpuser
   useadd scpuser
   passwd scpuser

2. Use Winscp to copy backup file "FTD-72-C_20240726161647.tar" to /var/tmp

3. In FTD expert mode, move backup to backup folder
    mv /var/tmp/FTD-72-C_20240726161647.tar /var/sf/backup

4. Exit to firepower mode to restore backup file
    > restore remote-manager-backup FTD-72-C_20240726161647.tar

5. After restore completes, FTD will be reboot automatically.

6. Re-deploy policy

    New FTD has all configuration from failed FTD, includes management IP, so after a few minutes,  FTD-72-C will show alive in FMC.
    however, at this stage, LAN PC is not able to access Internet, packet-tracker shows Drop at Snort. "show snort instance" doesn't show any snort instance is running.
    FMC shows policy need be deployed to new FTD, when deploy,  receives warning about Virtual Router change, ignore the warning, deployment is successful, LAN PC then can access Internet.

    Device backup is important, with it, we don't need delete then re-register FTD

Scenario 2: Standalone FTD doesn't have device backup, restore using device configuration.

FDT-72-C failed, don't delete it from FMC before export Device Configuration.

1. Export Device Configuration


2. Delete FTD-72-C from FMC

3. Configure new new FTD with same MGMT IP, register it to FMC, with an initial Discovery ACP.  

4. Import Device Configuration. Apply proper ACP  and NAT policy, then deploy....

    If no Device backup, Export Device Configuration from FMC before delete it.

Scenario 3 One FTD is failed in HA deployment. FTD has device backup

FTD-72-A and FTD-72-B are in HA, FTD-72-B is failed.
Don't break or delete HA

1. Configure RMA FTD with same management IP, in expert mode create an user account called scpuser
   useadd scpuser
   passwd scpuser

2. Use Winscp copy backup file "FTD-72-B_Secondary_20240725092245.tar" to RMA FTD /var/tmp

3. In RMA FTD expert mode 
    mv /var/tmp/FTD-72-B_Secondary_20240725092245.tar /var/sf/backup

4. In Firepower mode 
    restore remote-manager-backup FTD-72-B_Secondary_20240725092245.tar

> restore remote-manager-backup FTD-72-B_Secondary_20240725092245.tar

Device model from backup :: Cisco Firepower Threat Defense for VMware
This Device Model  :: Cisco Firepower Threat Defense for VMware

             Backup Details
Model = Cisco Firepower Threat Defense for VMware
Software Version = 7.2.8
Serial = 9AW96A5V42E
Hostname = FTD-72-B
Device Name = FTD-72-B_Secondary
IP Address =
VDB Version = 353
SRU Version =
Manager IP(s) =
Backup Date = 2024-07-25 09:22:45
Backup Filename = FTD-72-B_Secondary_20240725092245.tar

********************* Caution ****************************
Verify that you are restoring a valid backup file.
Make sure that FTD is installed with same software version and matches versions from backup manifest before proceeding.(Running 'show version' command on FTD, displays Model Name and version details).
Restore operation will overwrite all configurations on this device with configurations in backup.
If this restoration is being performed on an RMA device then ensure old device is removed from network or powered off completely prior to proceeding with backup restore.

Are you sure you want to continue (Y/N)y
Restoring device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/local/sf/lib/perl/5.24.4/SF/ line 1401.
 . . . . . . . . . .

5. Deploy policy then resume HA

>configure high-availability resume

Scenario 4. Restore device backup from HA member to standalone FTD fails

HA is created on FMC with FTD-72-A and FTD-72-B
weekly device backup to remote storage is scheduled. Download backup file from FMC to local drive

Break HA, FTD-72-B is failed, deleted FTD-72-B from FMC.
Restore FTD-72-B backup to a new FTD FTD-72-B-New
  from FTD FTD-72-B-New cli, see all configurations includes HA configuration.
  show snort instance indicate no snort is running (because original FTD-72-B same??)
  has managers configured it, register it back to FMC failed
  delete managers
  Registered FTD-72-B-New to FMC successfully, see FTD IPs in FMC, but no security zone, no static route in FMC, has static route in FTD cli
  deploy policy failed with error "Timeout waiting for snort detection engines to process traffic: 6c5ed7ba-47b5-11ef-a706-f2c00f2684d5"
  internal PC is unable to access internet, packet-tracer shows drop at:

Phase: 15
Result: DROP
Elapsed time: 9216 ns
Additional Information:
Snort Verdict: (snort-down) snort instance is down


Replace Faulty Unit in Secure Firewall Threat Defense of High Availability


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