Palo Alto Packet Capture and Flow Basic

Capture on MGMT interface:

> tcpdump filter "host x.x.x.x"

> view-pcap mgmt-pcap mgmt.pcap


 1. Filter is bi-directional. 
         Packet captures are session-based, so a single filter is capable of capturing both client2server and server2client

2. Receive and transmit stage can use same capture file so we can see tx/rx in one capture file. If not doing this, we can merge rx/tx files in Wireshark.

3. Only new session is captured.

4. Four stages

  • drop stage is where packets get discarded. The reasons may vary and, for this part, the global counters may help identify if the drop was due to a policy deny, a detected threat, or something else.
  • receive stage captures the packets as they ingress the firewall before they go into the firewall engine. When NAT is configured, these packets will be pre-NAT.
  • transmit stage captures packets how they egress out of the firewall engine. If NAT is configured, these will be post-NAT.
  • firewall  packet is inspected against policy, includes packets that establish or match to an existing session

RX: Pre-decryption, pre-NAT
FW: Post-decryption, pre-NAT
TX: Post-decryption, post-NAT
DR: Dropped packets

capture on local VPN tunnel interface only see traffic comes out from the tunnel ( incoming decrypted traffic)

> view-pcap filter-pcap <name>



For Ping from (NATed to to, capture filter:

firewall stage capture

Receive stage capture

Transmit stage capture

Transmit capture has initial traffic left egress interface and return traffic comes out from ingress interface. If see both, means both initial and return traffic pass through firewall.
Firewall stage and receive stage are same, which have initial traffic enter ingress interface and return traffic enter egress interface.

For Ping from (NATed to to with capture on inside interface, capture filter:

Firewall Stage:

Receive stage:  this doesn't make sense

Transmit stage:

For Ping from (NATed to to with capture on outside  interface, capture filter:

Firewall stage:

Receive stage:

Transmit stage:

Ping from PA side to FG side cross S2S VPN tunnel with filter:

When ping has response

Transmit stage

Receive stage 

Firewall stage

When ping which is not alive

Firewall stage

Receive stage:

Transmit stage no packet is captured.

==========================Packet Capture CLI=============

0. Show current setting
debug dataplane packet-diag show setting 

1. Clear existing settings
 > debug dataplane packet-diag clear all
     clean capture file not filter   
         debug dataplane packet-diag clear capture

2. Configure filter(s)
> debug dataplane packet-diag set filter match source <source-ip> destination <dest-ip> destination-port <dest-port> protocol <number>

3. Turn on filtering
> debug dataplane packet-diag set filter on 

4. Add stages and filenames and review your settings: 
> debug dataplane packet-diag set capture stage <stages> file <filename>

5. Turn on packet capture (generate traffic, as needed): 
> debug dataplane packet-diag set capture on 

6. Turn off packet capture then filtering: 
> debug dataplane packet-diag set capture off 

7. View or export pcap:
 > view-pcap no-dns-lookup yes filter-pcap <filename>
 > <tftp | scp> export filter-pcap from <filename> to <tftp-ip | user@ip-address:path>

 8. Delete: 
           > debug dataplane packet-diag clear capture stage <stages> file <filename>

   It displays the active session match capture filter, even now capture filter is already OFF
   So suggested to clear all active filter-marked-session before turn on capture.
   Also need clear the matching session from session table before turn on capture

debug dataplane packet-diag show filter-marked-session.
debug dataplane packet-diag clear filter-marked-session all

You can also check to see if your filters are matching before you actually attempt to capture by running a delta against the counters using that filter:
> show counter global filter packet-filter yes delta yes
The first time you run the command you'll probably get a big output, but each subsequent time you run it the output will just be a delta between the last time you ran it. If you're seeing packet numbers increment, you can start the capture and should see the same number of packets there.

Flow Basic Stages
ingress stage
session setup (slow path)
security processing (fastpath)
egress stage (forwarding)
block page, closing session

Packet capture filter can be applied to global counter
produces results relative to the last time that the command was run
[Palo Alto Networks]  
show counter global filter packet-filter yes delta yes

Best practice:

1. Capture on ingress interface to verify if see both initial traffic and reply. This works for tunnel interface.
    set same file "rt" so we can see bidirectional traffic in on capture file

2. if don't see reply, capture on egress interface to verify if traffic pass firewall and if reply reach firewall

 Ping from to

1. capture on ingress interface

2. capture on egress interface

Flow Basic

Not recommended if dataplane CPU is above 60%

> show running resource-monitor minute 
60 seconds Automatic timeout by default

1. Clear old settings

> debug dataplane packet-diag show setting
> debug dataplane packet-diag clear all
> debug dataplane packet-diag clear log log

2. Create narrow filter and enabled them

> debug dataplane packet-diag set filter match <>
> debug dataplane packet-diag set filter on

Assess packet rate:  (you can crash the firewall if the packet rate is too high )
> show counter global filter packet-filter yes delta yes

3. Configure capture stages

> debug dataplane packet-diag set capture stage <> file <> 

4. Set log feature and verify settings:

> debug dataplane packet-diag set log feature flow basic  (this is default if no feature is specified)
> debug dataplane packet-diag show setting

5. Show currently marked sessions and clear them

> debug dataplane packet-diag show filter-marked-session
> debug dataplane packet-diag clear filter-marked-session all

> show session all filter source <> destination <>
> clear session id <number>
> clear session all filter source <> destination <>

> set session offload no   (disabling session offloading is necessary to capture all packets)

6. Turn on capture and flow-basic logging

> debug dataplane packet-diag set capture on
> debug dataplane packet-diag set log on

7. Monitor the capture progress

> debug dataplane packet-diag show filter-marked-session
> debug dataplane packet-diag show setting

8. turn off log and capture 
 wait for session to end gracefully, and then you can turn off logging:

> debug dataplane packet-diag set log off
> debug dataplane packet-diag set capture off

> set session offload yes

9. Aggregate and view flow-basic logs

> debug dataplane packet-diag aggregate-logs

physical data plane:
> less dp-log pan_packet_diag.log
no physical data plane (VM, PS220, PA820/850):
> less mp-log pan_packet_diag.log

10. View pcaps (as needed)

> view-pcap no-dns-lookup yes filer-pcap <filename>


export dataplane logs separately
> scp export log-file dataplane[number]

export mp-log
> scp export log-file management-plan to username@x.x.x.x:/
zip file will be sent, look in var.log/pan folder for "pan_packet_diag.log" file.

in the log file, matched security policy index starts with 0, index in security policy starts with 1

 show running security-policy | match index

Day in the Life of a Packet
