Switch SSH using ISE TACACS


! define ISE server

tacacs server ISE

address ipv4 x.x.x.x

key *******


!if you don't define an AAA server group for ISE, the default tacacs AAA group called tacacs+

!ISE defined above will be added to group tacacs+ automatically


!use default keyword in AAA commands, refer default tacacs group tacacs+

aaa new-model

aaa authentication login default group tacacs+ local

aaa authentication login NOAUTH none


aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+ local if-authenticated

aaa authorization commands 1 default group tacacs+ local if-authenticated

aaa authorization commands 15 default group tacacs+ local if-authenticated

aaa authorization config-commands


aaa accounting exec default start-stop group tacacs+

aaa accounting commands 1 default start-stop group tacacs+

aaa accounting commands 15 default start-stop group tacacs+


!!When use default key word in above AAA commands, you don't need specify AAA in line VTY configuration

line con 0

login authentication NOAUTH

line vty 0 4

logging synchronous

