Fortigate Certificate and SSL Descryption


SSL Certificate Inspection:
    use SNI, subject or SAN, only can do web filtering

When using SSL Certificate Inspection, the SSL Handshake is not interrupted, but the FortiGate reads the CN part of the certificate. This CN part, has the URL for the certificate was signed to. This way, the FortiGate has an URL to check into its categories database. But the TLS/SSL content is not read in any way 

Two Local CA certificate use for SSL Inspection:


List all local certificates
 show vpn certificate local

Preconfigured SSL certificate inspection profile

SSL Exemption can be added by Reputation, category or address.

SSL Decryption for Outbound traffic
 Two Default SSL/SSH Inspection Profiles:
    -- read-only "deep-inspection"  
    -- "custom-deep-inspection"

SSL Decryption for Inbound traffic
