Checkpoint CLI

SMS -- fwm ver

Gateway: ver (show version all)

"save config"

show interfaces
show interface [eth1]
show route

Set expert password

cp-sms> set expert-password
Enter new expert password:
Enter new expert password (again):

Check Interface

ethtool [eth1]

Change admin default shell (Clish) to expert mode (Bash).

chsh -s /bin/bas admin





Run the last command.


Run a specific previous command: the nn command in the commands history list.


Run the nnth previous command.

For example, entering !‑3 runs the third from last command in the commands history list.

  • show commands - To view all commands that the user has permissions to run;
  • show commands feature <TAB> - To view a list of all features;
  • show commands feature VALUE - To show all commands for a specific feature;
  • show commands op <SPACE> <TAB> - To show all possible operations;
  • show commands [op VALUE] [feature VALUE] - To show all commands per operation, per feature.

Here are the four operation commands that are most frequently used: show, set, add, delete.

Type show command and then press Tab twice. You will see all available features

show configuration

<TAB>        Complete or fetch the keyword.

<SPACE><TAB> Show the arguments that the command for that feature accepts

<ESC><ESC>   See possible command completions.

<Operation> <Feature> <Parameter>



Starts a transaction. Puts the Gaia Clish into transaction mode. All changes made using commands in transaction mode are either applied at once, or none of the changes is applied, based on the way transaction mode is terminated.


Ends transaction by committing changes.


Ends transaction by discarding changes.

show config-lock

"lock database override

 "unlock database"

cpinfo -y all


Re-size partition

