Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an XML-based, open-standard data format used to exchange authentication and authorization data between parties, specifically between an identity provider (IdP) and a service provider.
User Agent
SP (Service Provider)
IDP (Identity Provider)
IDP and SP establish Trust
When an user wants to access a SP, he must first authenticate with IDP, after successful authentication, IDP generates a SAML ASSERTION, which is sent to SP, then the user can access SP.
The user exists in IDP, SAML configuration specify what attribute to use to identify user, for example, use email address.
IDP side SAML configuration IDP XML and SP side SAML configuration SP XML called Metadata
Metadata: It is an XML based document that ensures a secure transaction between an IdP and an SP. It allows the IdP and SP to negotiate agreements.
Obtain the certificates that the IdP and firewall will use to sign SAML messages. If the certificates do specify key usage attributes, one of the attributes must be Digital Signature
In case of Azure as IDP, Anyconnect as SP
IDP needs Two info from ASA:
These info are in metadata, metadata URL is case-sensitive
show saml metadata TUNNEL-GROUP-NAME
https://<VPN URL>/saml/sp/metadata/<TUNNEL-GROUP NAME>
a. Identifier (Entity ID) - https://<VPN URL>/saml/sp/metadata/<TUNNEL-GROUP NAME>
b. Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL) - https://<VPN URL>/+CSCOE+/saml/sp/acs?tgname=<TUNNEL-GROUP NAME>
A SAML Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) is responsible for receiving and processing SAML assertions from the IdP
ASA needs four info from Azure:
1. Azure IDP certificate: import to ASA as CA certificateconfig t
crypto ca trustpoint AzureAD-AC-SAMLrevocation-check noneno id-usageenrollment terminalno ca-checkcrypto ca authenticate AzureAD-AC-SAML-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----…PEM Certificate Text you downloaded goes here…-----END CERTIFICATE-----quit
2. Azure AD Identifier - This is the saml idp in our VPN configuration.
3. Login URL - This is the URL sign-in.
4. Logout URL - This is the URL sign-out.
debug webvpn saml 255
Configure ASA AnyConnect VPN with Microsoft Azure MFA through SAML
Configure Anyconnect with SAML authentication on FTD managed via FMC
Decode SMAL response
Chrome, press Fn+F12 to open developer console, > Network tab, then access SAML login, copy the saml response payload to notepad ++, > plugins > MIME Tools > Base64 decode by line
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