SRX Dynamic VPN Deployment

SRX Dynamic VPN Deployment

1. Configure VPN tunnel:

#Use aggressive mode
set security ike policy ike-dyn-vpn-policy mode aggressive
set security ike policy ike-dyn-vpn-policy proposal-set standard

#Use pre-shared keys
set security ike policy ike-dyn-vpn-policy pre-shared-key ascii-text "$9$iqP5At0RhrtpvWn"

set security ike gateway dyn-vpn-local-gw ike-policy ike-dyn-vpn-policy
set security ike gateway dyn-vpn-local-gw dynamic hostname
set security ike gateway dyn-vpn-local-gw dynamic ike-user-type group-ike-id

#The connection limit should not be larger than the number of installed licenses
set security ike gateway dyn-vpn-local-gw dynamic connections-limit 10

#Specify the interface to listen for connections
set security ike gateway dyn-vpn-local-gw external-interface fe-0/0/0.0

#Xauth profile determines how to authenticate the user, assign addresses and access parameters
set security ike gateway dyn-vpn-local-gw xauth access-profile dyn-vpn-access-profile

#Define the IPSEC vpn
set security ipsec policy ipsec-dyn-vpn-policy proposal-set standard
set security ipsec vpn dyn-vpn ike gateway dyn-vpn-local-gw
set security ipsec vpn dyn-vpn ike ipsec-policy ipsec-dyn-vpn-policy

#Enable IKE and HTTPS on external interface for VPN termination:
set security zones security-zone untrust interfaces fe-0/0/0.0 host-inbound-traffic system-services ike
set security zones security-zone untrust interfaces fe-0/0/0.0 host-inbound-traffic system-services https
set security zones security-zone untrust interfaces fe-0/0/0.0 host-inbound-traffic system-services ping

2. Configuring the authentication and IP address assignment parameters

 #This access profile has the following clients
set access profile dyn-vpn-access-profile client test firewall-user password "$9$gFoUjk.PQ36q.1RcyKv"
set access profile dyn-vpn-access-profile client user1 firewall-user password "$9$9L2bAO1EcyKWLhcYgaZji"

#This access profile uses local authentication and address assignment by pointing to a local address pool
set access profile dyn-vpn-access-profile address-assignment pool dyn-vpn-address-pool
set access address-assignment pool dyn-vpn-address-pool family inet network
set access address-assignment pool dyn-vpn-address-pool family inet range dvpn-range low
set access address-assignment pool dyn-vpn-address-pool family inet range dvpn-range high
set access address-assignment pool dyn-vpn-address-pool family inet xauth-attributes primary-dns

#Finally note how the access profile is used for web-auth (for the dynamic-vpn portal)
set access firewall-authentication web-authentication default-profile dyn-vpn-access-profile

3. Associating VPNs users with dynamic-vpn configurations

#Specify the authentication profile used for the dyn-vpn portal
#This profile should be the same as the one used for xauth

set security dynamic-vpn access-profile dyn-vpn-access-profile

set security dynamic-vpn clients all remote-protected-resources
set security dynamic-vpn clients all remote-protected-resources

#Destinations matching the exceptions will not be tunneled and will be sent out in cleat text
set security dynamic-vpn clients all remote-exceptions

#Specify a list of clients, with the ipsec vpn used
set security dynamic-vpn clients all ipsec-vpn dyn-vpn
set security dynamic-vpn clients all user test
set security dynamic-vpn clients all user user1

#Define an url for HTTPS  J-WEB management access:
set system services web-management management-url mgmt.


run show security ike security-associations
run show security ike active-peer
run show security ipsec security-associations
run show security dynamic-vpn users
